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The dubistda Team

The App

HERE & BEAUTIFUL | The App, based on the picture book “YOU ARE HERE and you are beautiful”, brings the illustrations to life, making them touchable and tangible. With wonderful animations, a reading voice, music and sound effects, the App becomes an interactive film.



„DU BIST DA – und du bist wunderschön“ von Evelyne Faye und Birgit Lang
„DU BIST DA – und du bist wunderschön“ von Evelyne Faye und Birgit Lang
„DU BIST DA – und du bist wunderschön“ von Evelyne Faye und Birgit Lang
„DU BIST DA – und du bist wunderschön“ von Evelyne Faye und Birgit Lang
„DU BIST DA – und du bist wunderschön“ von Evelyne Faye und Birgit Lang
„DU BIST DA – und du bist wunderschön“ von Evelyne Faye und Birgit Lang
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“The story captivates the children (2 and 7 years old), they ask for more! The application allowed us to talk about Down Syndrome together.”

“Very nice graphics, interactivity, softness, a very nice approach”

“Moving, motivating, and above all full of hope; thank you for sharing your life: it’s wonderful!”


Available for iOSmacOS at the App Store. Languages: German, English, French. Text & Voice: Evelyne Faye, Illustrations: Birgit Lang, Animations & Music: Jo Jacobs, Programming: j-apps GbR, Jesse Hinrichsen, Gunnar Keppler.

The Story

What happens when one of life’s happiest milestones – the birth of a child – comes with a shocking diagnosis? How do parents cope when their dreams for their newborn baby are instantly and utterly shattered by two words: Down Syndrome?

You are Here and You are Beautiful tells the story of that initial devastation, and how two ordinary parents found the answers to all their terrifying questions in the simple reality of their daughter, Emma Lou. You are Here and You are Beautiful is written by Emma Lou’s mother, Evelyne Faye, and accompanied by the fresh, compassionate illustrations of Birgit Lang.

This very special app, with its comforting message of hope and strength, will change the way people think about Down Syndrome. Evelyne, through the spunky, uncomplicated voice of her daughter, upends the traditional stereotypes about children with Down Syndrome, and shows us a child who, like any other, is unique and full of wonder.

So this is an app for people interested in special needs, yes, but it’s also a story for anyone who appreciates the beauty of diversity, and the importance of igniting conversations about neurodiversity in our families, our schools, and our communities.

About the Author

Evelyne Faye was born and raised in Paris, France. When she was 19, she moved to Germany and studied Economics and Philology.  After working in the Documentary Film Industry in different countries, she eventually came to Vienna, Austria, where she works now with an international NGO.

In March 2012 her second child was born: a daughter. She was diagnosed with Down-Syndrome right after birth.

“The beginning was very overwhelming. On one hand, I didn’t want to be confronted with this new, foreign reality, which I could not accept – so I couldn’t imagine myself seeking contact with other parents. On the other hand, I needed to inform myself, so I could understand what was going on.”

That was the trigger to write this story: as a fast, personal, accessible, and reassuring message for people facing that same shocking situation that I encountered, but also, for all people who are aware of the diversity of our society and can appreciate its beauty.

Happiness simply cannot be determined by a diagnosis.


About the Illustrator

Birgit Lang lives and works as a freelance Illustrator in Mannheim, Germany. She studied Textile Design at the FH Coburg and graduated after spending a year in Toronto, Canada. Back in Germany she graduated as an Illustrator after four years at the HAW Hamburg.

Since then she has been working for several magazines such as „Die Zeit“, „The Globe and mail“ (Cnd), „SonntagsZeitung“ (Ch), „Focus“ „Maxima“, „Brigitte“ and many others.

Birgit has a very special keenness in illustrating Women, children and animals. Her characters suggest a strong, emphatic personality. They show both childlike and mature components. The questioning aspect plays a major role.

Birgit Lang regularly exhibits her free work internationally.


The Designer

Jo Jacobs works as a freelance Multimedia-Designer and Musician. His main focuses are Motion Design & Projection Mapping. With his company j-apps GbR, he produces games and applications and develops multimedia contents for TV-Shows, Dance- & Theatre-Productions. At WALDRAUSCHEN – the noise of the forest, he works as a Live-Musician & Visual Artist.

Jo is responsible for the production of the DU BIST DA App.


Financially supported by the MFG Baden Württemberg
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